Monday 25 July 2016

Seam Allowance Guide - one of the best sewing gadgets

Hi all,

I thought it was time for another of my favourite sewing gadgets - the Seam Allowance Guide.  This would be my second favourite gadget, outside the essential sewing tools.

So what is this gadget?  It allows you to add or subtract to any pattern that needs adjusting.  You just set it to the required width and by following the black ring instead of your scissor blades and you are automatically cutting the extra you need.

This tool enables you to add to side seams if you need some extra room, add longer hems, or seam allowances to patterns that don't have them included.  It is also great for adding seam allowances when you draft your own patterns.  Very quick and accurate!

Another of my favourite uses for this gadget is when a pattern only includes 6mm or 9mm seams.  I'm not a fan of those narrow seams as there is no room to adjust the garment after it is constructed.  I prefer 15mm seam allowances which are more forgiving.  Especially handy when wardrobe shrinkage occurs between seasons  ;-)

Another nice feature is that the Seam Allowance Guide is Australian made.

If you want one of these super handy little tools you can get them here:
